Synergy Complex is the main product of the ETHEREAL PLASMA hair reconstruction treatment. From the first application, it is already possible to notice more hydrated hair, with shine, strength and health. A 6 week treatment. The product should be used once a week to deliver the best result to your hair.
A synergy of pure and natural oils, which bring many benefits to the hair. Brightness, softness, hydration, cleaning, strengthening. Get it now and start your Hair Schedule.
Sinergy Complex Hair Care Ethereal Plasma
The Synergy Complex must be deposited in a cuvette. Use the dropper to apply the amount needed for your hair type: Short Hair - 5ml per application Medium Hair - 6.5ml per application Long Hair - 7.5ml per application.
With the pulp of your fingers, apply small portions massaging the scalp and then wrapping the strands lock by lock from root to tip.
This technique allows the adhesion of the Synergy complex A.G.E to the fatty acids present in the hair fiber, while the movement rebuilds the lipid cement that unites the cuticles immediately.
Then tie your hair into a bun and let it sit for 10 minutes. Wash with HAIR CARE ETHEREAL PLASMA Shampoo and Conditioner.
For best results, apply ThermoShield Hair Care Ethereal Plasma after showering.